About Us
My family of origin is originally from the San Francisco Bay Area. A family gathering brought adult siblings that have spread far and wide across the Pacific Northwest together in the spring of 2018.
Each member of my family has their Bay Area favorite things, products from "home" that are a part of their daily lives. As we all ventured out to our old familiar places to pick up our essentials, we had to face to the fact that one of the big sources of joy in any homecoming was gone. After 50 years of business, Body Time, the favorite body care store of everyone for all three generations present, had closed. Gone with the business were products that meant more to us than we knew!
Each family member had their own scent story about perfumes they could only get at Body Time, and lamented losing their favorites. Some people, but none in our family, were notified by email and stocked up, but we were left empty handed.
I had a long time friendship with the founding family of Body Time. The grand-daughter of one of the founders was my closest young mom friend in the early 2000's, we both had big families and really supported each other. I took photos for Body Time Catalogs, my step-kid's first jobs were all at the College Avenue stores.
This family had sold the business to a new owner in 2010 and were heart-broken to see it, and all the years of history just gone. A few texts and phone calls, let me know I had their blessing (and all of their resources!) to do what I could to start again.
I did start, in October of 2018, and was really touched and pleased to have so much support. I knew that people would be looking for China Rain, and that fact really gave me a leg up while I learned how to make a website, ship a box, design a label.
Now, as the years have passed "I" am now "we". I have a number of employees who keep things running smoothly. Thanks so much for stopping by, we appreciate your support.
💕 lynn (and company)