Changes behind the scenes

I know many or most of you don’t have any interest in what happens behind the scenes, but in case you do, I am going to try to answer a few questions here.

I emailed frequently in March about the close out of body products.  To keep the story short, my body products provider changed their policy with no notice, to only selling their products in 55 gallon drums.  This would require me to have a forklift and loading dock, neither of which feel feasible for my business.

At the same time, I lost my long time employee who handled all the shipping and order packing when she decided to move to Texas from here in Oregon.

I have been slowly moving myself to Portland from Southern Oregon after my youngest child graduated from high school, but all these changes behind the scenes presented an opportunity to move the whole business to Portland where I want to live, near my adult kids.

A month ago, I got every single thing moved north and the makeshift shipping space set up and kept the shipments moving!  I planned carefully and filled all orders on a Thursday morning in Ashland, then packed up the space and loaded and drove a 20 ft U-haul 5 hours.  And then and unloaded and unpacked and filled orders on Monday.  I did it!  

I do have some help to pack orders, and I'm getting it done, but the writing is on the wall, I need either more help and a bigger space, or to outsource shipping.

I have been wanting to move the order fulfilment process to a fulfillment center (another small business takes responsibility for shipping) but the one I wanted to work with, near my home, had a wait list.  I am now at the top of the list and am moving my products there by the first of June.

Moving the responsibility of order filling to another business has been a topic of debate, (mostly in my own head) because there will inevitably be some impact on my customers. In the course of a week, I have dozen of order notes, incorrect address change requests, corrections of all kinds, that I can usually catch.  My ability to control what happens with physical orders will change.  I have no idea how much this will impact my customer's experience.  I also have heard stories of these arrangements being disappointing and businesses returning to self fulfilling.  I am going to try this and hope for the best.  If it doesn't work, I'll lease a bigger space, hire more employees and head that direction.  But I really hope it works!  

To make this a little simpler, I have changed the site to just carry my current frequent sellers, because space for my products is limited and getting even just a month of product together to move to the fulfillment center is a daunting job.  We are filling and packing up a few thousand bottles, based on the sales of the last few months. 

So fingers crossed!  Our oil selection will likely expand in the upcoming month, I have some glorious oils here waiting! 

 I'm just here doing my best, and learning a lot.  Thanks for reading if you are still here with me after this short novel. 💕


  • Tk

    As always, you have been open and honest about your business transitions… This is a rare.. VERY RARE, characteristic of many business’ and I’m very appreciative of that! When I experience such open honesty, there is nothing that can stop me from being a loyal customer, fan, and friend. You are now and will always be in my exclusive club!

    Keep doing what you do and you will continue to be blessed!


  • Cheryl


  • Dana

    I appreciate the update and am cheering you on from NY!! Love your products and the warm, personal energy around your business. Good luck with the business-related wobblies & getting settled into your new environs. Looking forward to new oils, too! :)

  • Rebecca

    Thank you for sharing these updates. I’m so delighted to have a source for China Rain again, and appreciate your transparency about the transitions. Looking forward to hearing more, and getting more lovely scents from you!

  • Lorelei Folker

    I know you can do it! You are a ray of hope for all of us who grew up shopping at Body Shop, transitioned to purchasing online when they became Body Time, and then having a breakdown upon hearing Body Time closed. So, when you popped up, I was ESTATIC that I still had a website when I could get my beloved China Rain, Cucumber, and Pikaki!! Thank you so much for your fierce dedication to these scents and know we are all out here, rooting you on!!!

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