Changing the sample minimum set up!

The recent change of samples being sold with a four sample minimum is causing a little push back and we want to explain and tell you about adjustments we've made.

The $5 sample in the beginning was a way for the business to get a solid start and allow people who were skeptical, to try on a perfume with little risk.  It's been great!  It's hard to buy perfumes online, and samples are the answer.

Samples have always shipped free. The shipping on these boxes is a minimum of $4.38, and then there is the box, sticker, vial, oil and labor to fill the samples.  So a one sample order is a loss for us.  These so often convert into a full size bottle customer, it's been a cost we have been willing to absorb.  And also, folks rarely buy just one.

Now that we have grown so much and outsourced our shipping, we also pay for each box that is shipped.  This is totally fair and very worth it, but makes shipping small orders of a sample or two pretty unsustainable. The loss is considerable when we ship 300-400 of these small packages a month.

We made changes to the site, so that there was a four sample minimum, with the unintended consequence (oops!) of now folks who were buying larger orders of full size products couldn't just grab a sample of something interesting, they needed to buy four. 

This was not the original goal.  The original goal was to prevent losing money on a very small sample orders, not to make sample buying less attractive and irritating people who are already our beloved customers.

So now we've changed the set up, so you can buy a single sample with an order of other products. This may seem like too much information, but we REALLY want to just serve our people well.

Larger companies just offer sets of samples and you get ones you don't choose.  we really want you to be able to choose!  But also not lose money.  

We expect to offer sample sets at a bit of a saving soon, as well.

Thanks for your patience as we continue to figure stuff out.

The Perfectly Scentsable Team


  • Karen Atkinson

    Thank you. I was one who didn’t feel I could always order 4 samples.. I appreciate your explanation and agree that it is a loss for you if you just send out samples as you had done.
    Thank you too for trying to figure out an equitable solution. 🙂💜

  • Tiffa

    Your explanation is worthwhile about the overhead costs of shipping out sample orders. I will have to get some money into my PayPal account and order more than just the WhiteAmber which is my favorite of yours..!..

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