Holiday Gifts 2021

I do spend a good deal of time on content that supports small ecommerce business and the recent developments in shipping costs and delays is just daily conversation for me, but in case you don't know, let me tell you.

Shipping costs have already gone up with USPS, my only carrier at the moment, at least 10%.  I am not raising my shipping fees on perfume, and samples ship free, but the lotions and body product are charged by weight, and there is nothing I can do about that. 

The way I have addressed high shipping costs is that orders over $100 ship free!  No code needed. I would recommend fewer shipments, larger orders if you plan to order gifts.  The earlier the better!  

There are frequent warnings about shipping delays, with no specifics. What I know is happening a lot, is that packages will be reported (and email notifications sent out) as delivered when they are not.  They usually show up with in 48 hours after the update, but of course it's confusing and upsetting.  Folks eagerly waiting for their packages are left wondering if they've been stolen or delivered incorrectly.  I get many emails each week about this issue, and it's difficult to manage.  I have never had a package not show up!

I have heard that there are some areas that are going to deliver mail less, for example every other day instead of everyday.  I don't see how that's helpful, seems like the delivery days would just be significantly busier and possibly lead to more delays, but there could be things I don't understand.

Every single thing I sell is made in the US, so I am not affected by the port issues, and should have plenty of supplies this holiday season, what a relief!  I can put together packages for you, for family, friends, business associates, the helpful barista!  Just let me know how I can help.  

If you were around for the comfort and joy boxes last year, I can do the same thing this year, personalized stickers and packages.  Let's work together and make it special.

As of right now, my last day to ship for the holidays will be December 15th.

After the 15th, packages will go out Monday, Wednesday and Friday except of course on Christmas Eve and New Years Eve, which both happen on Friday this year.

I'm super excited about the holidays!


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